sábado, 23 de abril de 2011


I look at this moment in my mind
I can't believe it's true
is something I can't see
I miss you
and when I start listening
the murmur of people passing
I think this is the reality
I can't stop thinking
I miss you
and if time is my torture
and my tears my armor
I don't think it's amazing
your love is
and then say
I miss you
I love you
can't stop thinking of you
you are the time in my skin
you're crying on my mind
and I feel different
and I miss you
why walk down the street
and see a little thing
is a light
is your light
is my light
and I miss you ...
I miss you
my love

2 comentarios:

  1. muy buena letra!
    me encanta!debe ser un gran compositor quien compuso esta magnifica letra

  2. Javier Szwarcberg24 de abril de 2011, 1:28

    Obvio,tan grande como yo(?)
